Tuesday, September 17, 2013



 1. The first shot of the film will be an exposition shot showing the circus elephants the tightrope walker and the crowd 
 2. Then the camera will zoom in on the tight rope walker as she begins to walk 
 3. At this point she takes several steps and then begin to stumble
 3. She begins to stumble and falls forward
 4. The camera zooms out slightly as she begins to fall 
 5. Then there is a full zoom out and we see the elephant and the crowd and the tent we see her as she falls and also the trapeze that comes in from the top of the page 
 6.We zoom again as she then catches the trapeze and begins to glide forward 

11. She gains footing then lands on the stand 
 12.Then catches her balance 
13.At the very end she cheers 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Animation resources


Stop motion film ideas

1. The first idea was about a man drawing a woman, eventually he is frustrated by the drawing he crumples up the paper and the woman finds the drawing and  tells him she likes it

 2.This idea should be about a trapeze artist in a circus and will contain elephants and a lion tamer
 3.This story is based on through the looking glass it features a woman in puppet going into a drawn world
 4. This short would be of people dancing throughout different periods of time
5. This story is attack crumpled paper a person is at their desk and is frustrated eventually he/she gives up and goes to bed only to have the paper come to life and put him/her back the desk

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Assignment 2

Assignment 1

I'm Natalie Luceus I'm in Computer Animation. I taken two semesters of art classes a Hillsborough Community College and I have always had an interest in animation and I am taking this class to gain a basic understanding of animation principles.